Meet Your Teachers & Counselors
Visit the Twin Falls Middle School Teacher Directory to find your teacher's contact information.
The Twin Falls Middle School Counselors are available for support and information. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact our counselors below.
- Counselor for A-L: Dawn Dugan
- Counselor for M-Z: Micailah Donner
- Success Coordinator: Susie Scoones
For more counseling and mental health resources, visit the Counseling Resources webpage.
Questions? Who to Contact:
For general school questions, course placement, IEP/504 plans:
Dawn Dugan - Guidance Counselor A - L (last name)
Micailah Donner - Guidance Counselor M - Z (last name)
For registration, school records, class schedule questions:
Jennifer Moore - Registrar (425.831.4189)
Sarah Orochena - Administrative Assistant (425.831.4149)
To be issued a school laptop:
Registration/Enrollment Information:
Raven Guide
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